Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

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Customer Testimonials

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Customer Testimonials

Service Reviews

Rated 5.0 out of 5

Norvin and Isiah are two of the very best service people I’ve dealt with in the 13 years I’m in my house. This past service they came on a Friday evening and worked late to make sure the cover was working properly. They explained what was wrong and got the job done so I could use my pool cover without worrying that it would get stuck

Rated 5.0 out of 5

We have dealt with Coversafe for many years and find the staff helpful and efficient – a pleasure to work with……….

Robert L. Warner
Rated 5.0 out of 5

Have been dealing with this company for many years… We are on our third cover. This company is always responsive, courteous, and helpful in every way. Their products and service are to be commended and applauded. Their service staff is the best…

We had a problem this week with cover not closing completely… Contacted office and received prompt follow up…. Service technician Sherlon came today, two days earlier than originally scheduled. A nice, pleasant, highly competent gentleman who quickly identified the problem and solved it within a few minutes. Always, a pleasure to deal with CoverSafe!

Eliyahu Safran
Rated 5.0 out of 5

Our service provider, Chase Raymond, was curteous, knowlegeable, and efficient.

Rated 5.0 out of 5

This company answers the phone! A real person. They may have coordinators who communicate across various states but they work so seamlessly together I would think they are in same office! Their service workers may cover many miles & hours of driving but their turn around time and having personal service timely in these supply chain days is amazing. My local folks barely get back to phone messages and emails. This company is ON POINT! Always! And the service experts are so experienced they handle the most challenging issues with creative know-how and problem solving. A delight to work with and jave on my property! Kudos to Nick and Paul who have helped me ( rescued- pool cover issues can be a BIG DEAL!) a few times over the last 3 years.

Our Services

Browse our Services

Ready to browse our services? We offer a variety of services to help maintain your automatic pool cover. 

Features and Benefits

Preview some of the benefits of installing an automatic pool cover on your in-ground pool.