Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

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Customer Testimonials

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Customer Testimonials

Service Reviews

Rated 5.0 out of 5

Norvin and Isiah from Coversafe Long Island did a fabulous job repairing, cleaning and otherwise fixing the electric cover at my East Hampton house pool. Three and a half hours of non-stop work. Now everything is work perfectly and I have the twice-a-year maintainance plan with all work essentially warranteed. Fabulous and they explained everything.

William Sherman
Rated 5.0 out of 5

my review is simple 5 stars i wont hesitate to call them every time needed!!

Jerry Reardon
Rated 5.0 out of 5

So knowledgeable to diagnose and correct pool cover issue.

Team Freddie and Garsin assessed for preventive future monitoring, as well

Pool cover perfectly operational again following seasonal opening.

5 star all the way.

Janice monteleone
Rated 5.0 out of 5

Steve is without question an expert in his field. Steve is the leader in expertise of pool cover operation, installation and maintenance. His care, work ethic and commitment are what every company needs in today’s difficult work environment. There is no need to look to any other pool cover co., Steve and his crew will deliver the finest service there is

in the industry today.

R. Price
Rated 5.0 out of 5

I just had the best experience with the Coverstar technician, Ronnie. He came to my house to service my Coverstar automatic pool cover. Ronnie was so patient, efficient, friendly and polite with me. He was very knowledgeable about my pool cover issue and helped troubleshoot the problem. He didn’t rush me and answered all of my questions. I appreciate so much for his help and making me at ease with my pool cover issue. I can’t thank you enough and appreciate all of your help today. If I have an issue with my pool cover again, I will request Ronnie to come over and assist.

Scott O
Our Services

Browse our Services

Ready to browse our services? We offer a variety of services to help maintain your automatic pool cover. 

Features and Benefits

Preview some of the benefits of installing an automatic pool cover on your in-ground pool.