Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

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Customer Testimonials

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Customer Testimonials

Service Reviews

Rated 5.0 out of 5

Friday, around 5pm, knock on my door. Its Rick from CoverSafe to fix my pool cover. Scheduled appointment was for following Tuesday, but Rick knew I had an issue and he drove 2 hours, on a Friday afternoon, in Jersey traffic, to get to me. I was surprised but very pleased. He was their an hour, patched the cover, realigned and lubed the lines/pulleys and fixed some of the tracking. Very professional, very polite, LISTENED and took time to answer my questions.

Exceeded my expectations all around. Thanks Rick!!

Jace Wagner
Rated 5.0 out of 5

Super knowledgeable, very nice, and fast installation. Both men were extremely friendly. I couldn’t be happier.

Rated 5.0 out of 5

Nacki and the team with Coversafe consistently deliver with precision and expertise. Highly recommended and great quality work.

Trevor Pagan
Rated 5.0 out of 5

CoverSafe came to our home to repair our pool cover which had gone off track. The technicians, Rick and Mario were friendly, professional, and efficient! They explained the problem and how to prevent it in future and had it fixed in under an hour. We’ve previously used this company to install a new cover and the service was great for that job as well. Thank you CoverSafe and special thanks to Rick and Mario!

Rated 5.0 out of 5

We had an automatic pool cover installed in our pool in Water Mill today and it was expertly done. Ronnie and Joe installed it and then Ronnie explained how it worked and even gave us a tutorial on how to use “ Little Giant” , the pool cover pump. So grateful to have a top notch professional installer!

Sue and Fred Berkon
Our Services

Browse our Services

Ready to browse our services? We offer a variety of services to help maintain your automatic pool cover. 

Features and Benefits

Preview some of the benefits of installing an automatic pool cover on your in-ground pool.