Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

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Customer Testimonials

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Customer Testimonials

Service Reviews

Rated 4.0 out of 5

In 2021 our family installed a high-end fiberglass pool in our backyard. It was challenging to find a pool cover contractor/team that was willing to take on our project, especially since it was different than a regular pool. Once we got in touch with Corey and the team at Coversafe, it was clear these guys and gals knew what they were doing. It took a good bit of follow-up on our part to get the project going (lots of questions on our end and everyone in the pool industry is super busy.) Once we did get the project going, Corey was incredibly knowledgeable and helped us creatively solve each problem that came-up. Once we were finally ready for installation day, Simon and Jack were outstanding. It was raining and there were a lot of little details to handle, and they completed the install with patience, smiles, and excellence.

Overall, I’d highly recommend the team at Coversafe. There might need to be some persistence to get on their radar, but once they agree to work together, the results are first-class.

Jeremy Allen
Rated 5.0 out of 5

Rick from Coversafe is always very professional, does a great job, and communicates effectively. I recommend the entire coversafe company to everyone

Derek Bagin-B&B Pools
Rated 5.0 out of 5

When my husband and I first decided to have an in-the-ground pool installed we worried about safety. Having small grandchildren at the time was certainly one of our main concerns. Prior to installing the pool, we were given information about an “automatic pool cover”. The literature actually showed a picture of an elephant standing on the closed cover demonstrating that the cover was strong enough to bear weight. Another good feature of the pool cover is that it can be easily closed whenever not in use. For instance, when we have cook-outs and there are children present and it is time to eat, we simply close the pool. That way we do not have to worry about children falling in. I could go on and on about the benefits, but in the end we were paying for “peach of mind”. You cannot put a price on this. We have had an automatic pool cover for over 25 years and never regretted it.

Lorraine Wilderman
Rated 5.0 out of 5

Eno and his partner did an excellent job fixing the cover and cleaning the runners and explained how to manage the system. Excellent service.

Alan Becker
Rated 5.0 out of 5

I had Richard and Mario service my cover today. They were excellent! Very professional and worked hard. They fixed a track that fell, cleaned out the entire box, replaced pulleys and cleaned my cover. It looks new again! They spent their time making sure that the job was done well. Highly recommend!

Janine Ferdinand
Our Services

Browse our Services

Ready to browse our services? We offer a variety of services to help maintain your automatic pool cover. 

Features and Benefits

Preview some of the benefits of installing an automatic pool cover on your in-ground pool.