Winterizing Your Automatic Pool Cover

Although winter pool covers require less attention, water and/or snow will build up on the cover. If the water level in the pool is not properly maintained, serious damage can occur. Properly maintaining a pool’s water level prevents excess weight on the top surface of the cover that can cause damage to the cover system.

During the winter, you should make at least monthly inspections of the pool’s water level. You should also make sure the cover pump is operating properly so that water on top of the cover does not build up. Even a few inches of water on top of the cover is an enormous weight and can pull the cover and guides into the pool. In situations where the water level is too low, you should add water to the pool immediately to better support the water or ice that is on the cover. Your cover will survive any normal winter if these simple precautions are taken.

Make sure your water is chemically balanced before covering the pool for extended periods of time. Double check the water after the chemicals had a chance to mix completely. This may require checking the pool water a day or two after chemicals have been added. When covering the pool for long periods of time, turn down ozone generators and chemical feeders to their lowest level. Constant long-term build-up of ozone can damage the fabric. Place the cover pump on the cover to remove melted snow.

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