Ready..Set...It’s almost April!
Ready, Set, It’s almost April! Have you scheduled your seasonal automatic pool cover service yet?
Our trucks are freshly cleaned and washed, decals have been added, and are ready to go for April! We’re anticipating our busiest automatic pool cover service and installation season yet. Are you on our schedule for automatic pool cover service yet? There is still some time left to sneak onto the schedule!
The best way to ensure you get the most optimal spot on our schedule is to plan ahead and book your services early. You can join our E-mail list to receive notifications of when our Early season maintenance deals are happening! Save up to $100 off the cost of your automatic pool covers seasonal maintenance, and guarantee that your cover system will be cleaned and ready to go for opening day.
Spring Service Schedule
It always pays to plan ahead! If you are in need of service, our Extended Service Plan is typically listed at a special discounted price from January 1st – March 31st. Purchasing a service plan early will help ensure you get access to the most available schedule slots. Keep in mind, our spring maintenance schedule does tend to fill up quick! Make sure you are prepared for pool opening season and book your service early!
For more information about Coversafe and Coverstar Automatic Pool Covers, please visit Coversafe.com, or call us at 866-746-8444.
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