Preparing your Automatic Pool Cover for Hurricane or Tropical Storm

Cover-Pools Tan automatic pool cover

Preparing your Automatic Pool Cover for Hurricane or Tropical Storm

When a hurricane or tropical storm is headed your way, you may wonder if any special precautions need to be taken with your automatic pool cover.  While automatic pool covers are extremely strong there is still the risk of damage from a strong storm. Here are some of our best tips on how to prepare your automatic pool cover for a hurricane or tropical storm:

1. Don’t Cover your Pool

Leave your pool uncovered!  Fully retract the pool cover into the cover housing to keep falling branches or trees, flash flooding, or strong winds from damaging the cover.  The cover pump will not be able to keep up with torrential rain during a hurricane, so it’s best to leave your pool fully uncovered until the storm has passed.

2. Clean the Pool Area

Clear the area. Clear your pool area of any chairs, tables, or other loose items. Wind speeds over 50 – 60 mph are considered dangerous, but even 30 – 40 mph winds can blow down patio umbrellas or small trees. Bring everything that you can indoors during a major storm, or make sure the item is securely tied down.

3. After Storm Cleanup

After the storm, clean up any debris in the pool and around the pool area. Check the automatic pool cover box for debris or visible damage too – if anything looks broken or out of place with your pool cover system,  schedule a Non-working cover service, or reach out to us by calling 866-746-8444.  Our professionally trained technicians will help to ensure that your pool cover is working properly and most importantly, safe.

For more information about Coversafe automatic pool covers, please visit, or call us at 866-746-8444.

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